GORUCK Training

HTL Training – Week 11

This is what I did during week 11 of my training for the 9/11 GORUCK HTL in Washington DC.

Wednesday, August 17

Notes: I lost my notes and can’t remember what I did that day.

Thursday, August 18
Off Day

Notes: Work kept me out of the gym

Friday, August 19
NSW Class @ Full Circle

Notes: I lost my workout notes… something with weights, then something grinding, then something annoying.

Saturday, August 20

10 Mile Coupon Ruck
60lb Sandbag & 20lb Sandbag shared with partner.
40lb Ruck.

Saturday is for Suffering Class

2 Min Max Rep Push-up: 52
2 Min Max Sit Up: 75
100 24″ step-ups for time: 5:28
Max distance Farmer Carry (32kg kettle bells): 230 meters

Notes: Ruck hurt first 2 miles. All good after that. Also, happy with my numbers on rep-test considering it was after a 10 mile ruck with weight.

Sunday, August 21
Rest Day

Notes: Did nothing.

Monday, August 22
NSW Class @ Full Circle
A – Back Squat – 175lb
B – Bench Press – 125lb
5 reps A in 90 seconds, then 5 reps B in 90 seconds.
5 rounds total (A+B)
Work Capacity 
10 Overhead Lunge 45lb plate
5 Burpee to Plate
10 Kettelbell Swings (24kg)
200m Run
25 minute AMRAP (10 rounds +25 reps)
300 4-Count Flutter Kicks (for time) – 13:37

Notes: Everything felt fine. Hard, but fine.

Tuesday, August 23
Ruck to and from Gym

A – Back Squat – 165lb
B – Push Press – 95lb
10 reps A in 90 seconds, then 10 reps B in 90 seconds.
3 rounds total (A+B)

10 minute EMOM snatch work:
85,95(f), 95, 100,105,110,115(f),115,120(f)

Notes: I haven’t snatched in like 6-8 months. So, that was ugly. Also, I was jumping in on a different program. Wasn’t too happy about heavy(ish) back squats 2 days in a row… but, didn’t want to be that guy doing his own thing in class.