
Memorial Day Isn’t Canceled

Make no mistake, Memorial Day will be different this year. With the near nation-wide ban on large gatherings, there won’t be any big events to go to in order to honor those who gave their lives for our freedoms. But, that doesn’t mean that we can’t still honor them this May.

Below are 4 ways you can still remember and honor this Memorial Day.

Ruck to Honor has a great ruck this month. To remember and honor those we’ve lost you are challenged to double your ruck weight (or carry a second ruck) and put in some miles.

The added weight will be a constant reminder of those who can no longer carry the load.

Remind Them You Remember

Do you know someone that lost a loved one or friend in the line of duty? A simple call, text, or email to let them know you remember ____ goes a long way.

One of the most common fears people have when a loved one dies is that people won’t remember.

One thing that can often help is simply telling the person, “I remember ____. He/she (insert story of a memory you have). I miss them.”

Acts of Service

A great way to honor those who lost their lives in the line of duty is to do an act of service.

In the midst of our stay-at-home and social distancing orders, this can be a little tricky. But, simply mowing a neighbor’s lawn, helping at a food distribution site, or giving blood in honor and memory of those we’ve lost is a great way to celebrate.

Enjoy The Day

While Memorial Day is a somber occasion, those who gave their lives would probably be upset with us if we just walked around all depressed. They gave their lives so we can live ours to the fullest.

So, this Memorial Day, whether you go for a ruck, reach out to someone, do an act of service, or just chill out and do “whatever,” take a moment to remember those we’ve lost and then enjoy the time and freedom they have given us.

Quick Note

For those who struggle with the experience of loss, especially those who have experienced it in the line of duty, please do not hesitate to reach out for help from a trusted friend or counselor. Don’t fight the demons alone. You are not alone.

If the darkness is deep and you are considering self harm, use the resources below.

For veterans, if you or someone you know needs help, call the Veterans Crisis Hotline: 800-273-8255. Help is also available by text message at 838255. (More info here.)

Non-veterans can get assistance at 1-800-273-8255 (site link).