If you’re looking for some weirdo fun this holiday season, get some friends or your Ruck Club together and tackle this workout together.
12 Days of Ruckmas
This workout is to be performed in the order of, and while singing the workout to the tune of, the 12 Days of Christmas. And, yes, that means you follow the pattern of day 1, day 2-1, day 3-2-1, day 4-3-2-1, etc.
The workout should be with ruck-on or being held for all movements except #6 and #9.
The workout (and song lyrics) are as follows:
On the ___ day of Christmas, Saint Bomber gave to me…
1 Push-up with your heavy ruck on.
2 Simple Squats.
3 Overhead Presses.
4 Man-makers.
5 Foooouuuurrrrr Count flutter kicks.
6 Russian Twistings.
7 Rucks a thrusting.
8 Walking lunges.
9 Standard sit-ups.
10 Rucks a swinging.
11 Mountain Climbers.
12 Monkey F*ers.
Post your times in the comments below and link to any social media of you doing the workout.
8 Replies to 12 Days of Ruckmas Workout
Thanks for sharing! I lead workout with my ruck group this morning, so we did this workout. One guy finished in 34 minutes, with one lady finishing right behind him. I was the last to finish, but I did finish, in 58 minutes. A couple others had to leave before they were done. Definitely a good workout. Thanks again!
What is day 12? Never heard of this exercise.
what’s a monkey f***er
Basically, this (with a ruck on): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiKENv5Rgqg
Gonna add a 300yd-ish ruck between each round.
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