GORUCK Training

By Endurance We Conquer

The trick to completing a GORUCK event is to make the simple decision to sign up, show up, then do the work until it is over. The same holds true for life.

Learning Endurance and the Daily Life

Through my own experiences with GORUCK and reading the stories like those of Ernst Shackleton’s crew of The Endurance, it has become clear that endurance is both mental and physical. Not only that, but endurance can be learned and those lessons can be applied to all areas of life.

It seems to me that simple decisions and physical actions can train our bodies and minds to endure. By committing to something challenging, daily, and sticking to it (no matter what) we can teach our bodies and minds the discipline of endurance.

As both a personal experiment and invitation to others, I recently launched Train2Endure.com. The idea is simple. Every month there will be a physical movement (scalable as needed) that I (and hopefully you) will commit to doing every-single-day, for that month.

I believe that the commitment to these daily physical movements will help build mental and physical endurance. At least that’s what I’m committing to try.

Train2Endure isn’t meant to replace your current training, whatever that may be. Rather, it is a supplement. It is daily homework. It is your vitamins. It is your vegetables.

Wanna join me?

You can either jump into the tail end of January’s challenge, Push, or get in the queue for February’s challenge, Run.

Train2Endure Details

You don’t have to register to participate, but if you sign up we’ll send you a patch. Any if you endure multiple challenges (4, 8, 12), we’ll also send you some challenge coins.

While new challenges are released every month, you can always register for any of the challenges at any time of the month.

Of course, subscriptions are available and a great way to ensure you don’t cherry pick movements you like. And if you subscribe soon, we’ll send you a limited edition Challenge Coin.

If you have any questions, drop them in the comments below.

Remember: By Endurance We Conquer