This is what I did during week 13 of my training for the 9/11 GORUCK HTL in Washington DC.
Wednesday, August 31
Rest Day
Thursday, September 1
Ruck to and From Gym (3.7 miles)
A) Deadlift – 315
B) Push Press – 125
5 reps A in 60 seconds, then 5 reps B in 60 seconds.
5 rounds total (A+B)
BTN Push Press + BTN Power Jerk + Overhead Squat
1 + 1 + 1 rep
EMOTM for 12 min
*Build across all rounds
Notes: And here is where things went wrong. The BTN work totally tweaked my neck. Didn’t feel right…
Friday,September 2
NSW Class @ Full Circle
A) Back Squat – 190
B) Bench Press – 135
5 reps A in 120 seconds, then 5 reps B in 120 seconds.
5 rounds total (A+B)
Durability & Work Capacity
10 Sandbag Getups
10m Bear Crawls
30 Min AMRAP
Result – 10 rounds + 6 reps
Notes: Felt ok. Good Grind. But… I think I pushed my neck over the edge.
Saturday,September 3
Rest Day
Notes: Neck is NOT ok. Skipped normal Saturday class.
Sunday, August 28
Start of Deload Week
Notes: Neck STILL not ok. Getting worried.
Monday,September 4
Deload Day 2
Notes: Neck still not right. Didn’t do anything.
Tuesday,September 5
Deload Day 3
Notes: Deload days not going as planned due to neck injury. In desperation, got appointment with Airrosti. They saw me. Their treatment was epic painful (likely writing a review later) but I think it is helping.
2 Replies to HTL Training – Week 13
Do you have your HTL training on PDF?
I don’t. However, this <a href=""GORUCK Heavy training guide (with PDF download) was built around how I trained for my HTL. The biggest difference is that I did a lot more CrossFit and weightlifting than is in the plan.
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